Frequently Asked Questions

Simply go to the nearest Bunning or Mitre10 store and buy boxes from them

Yes, we provide free pickup for all our customer who is in Auckland, please refer to our free pickup zone map on the cutoff date.

Each of the boxes size and rate under cargo deals
- click Sea Cargo
- Click the rates from the origin location flag
- Click here for the rates and you can get an instant rate sheet for your final destination (door-to-door or self-pickup rates)

Anything that is not prohibited or dangerous goods known as flammable goods and prohibited goods is not authorized to send without a special permit. Please also note for personal effects shipment of commercial goods for sale is prohibited.

For every shipment scheduled up to 3 months from now, please refer to our cutoff dates from the website.

It is very easy, just click Book Now button and select the right booking form by selecting the shipment from the country flag to the shipment receiving country flag. And answer the question we asked in the booking form. Once submitted the booking form you will receive a copy of your booking form in your email with its reference number.

L.C.L means Less Cargo Container Load which means you do not have a full container load. Then if you like to get a quote for L.C.L shipment you will require to find L x H x W with an estimated k.g for each box or item so we can offer a better rate.
F.C.L means Full Container Load This mean your goods go in a 20ft or 40ft empty container and 1 shipper occupies the entire container.

We are a New Zealand-owned company and have been in business operation for more than 17 years of experience.

Depending on the country, some countries cargo rate includes door-to-door charges. When you go to our cargo deal page you can see self-pickup charges in separate sections and door-to-door delivery charges in separate sections.

The rate for appliance charges depends on the pickup location.  If you are sending from Auckland it is the cheapest way, any outside location from Auckland will be charged an extra $$$ amount to cover the freight charges.

New Zealand Cargo